Monday, October 15, 2007

2007 SCIAC Multis Photos

I've posted the photos I took at Prado.

Sorry they're mostly of the men's race. I took some photos of the women's start, but then I saw Matt jog by with a camera that looked fancier than mine, and figured he'd been catching a lot of the action. Matt, are those photos up somewhere?


Ryan said...

thanks ian! quality photos, as usual.

Ryan said...

um except for the first two

Ian said...

The mud looked awesome. I don't ever remember once racing in wet conditions back in the day. I remember hot, dry and windy, especially at Prado.

Mud is tough, but heat is worse. You never hear anyone say, "Damn, it was so muddy at conference they had to take this one guy away in an ambulance."

Ryan said...

that one guy was my high school buddy and beaver extraordinare bill "the thrill" hiestand.

kangway said...

Mark, did you purchase those shorts from the Bill Rodgers Closeout Sale???

Markkimarkkonnen said...

purchase them from the bill rodgers closeout sale? i practically stole them from the bill rodgers closeout sale!

kangway said...

Mark, have you been beefing up? Those quads of yours look big and meaty. Maybe the shorts just accentuate it.

Markkimarkkonnen said...

i've been getting fatter, if that's what you mean. men in my family tend to put on weight in the quad region.

Katherine said...