Sunday, October 28, 2007

As of today, what are your personal records?

Katherine's Poll on the Left made me realize that I don't actually know her personal records. The only one I actually know without googling some results is her 1500 pr which I hope is 5:15 or else I'll have really embarrassed myself by declaring that I knew it.

I know a bunch of Mark's, and a bunch of Ian's, but still, Ryan, Katherine, Megumi and Garrett, I don't really know yours.

So I'm asking you, Officially and Unofficially, what are your PR's and when did you set them?


Markkimarkkonnen said...

Beer Mile: official 6:03 (2005), unofficial very close to 6:00 (2006)
Beer 2-mile: 19:45, official world record
Tommy's Run: 22:55, official world record

Beer Mile: 5:40
1/2 mar: 1:10:00
Tiger Run: defeat McGrail

racing log and PR progression

Katherine said...

Beer Mile: 9.03 (I think)
1500: 5.15
mile: 5.52 the one time I did it at the all-comers meet
3000 (not steeple): 11.46
5k: 20.08
10k: 43.23 (I've only done one though)

Goals: break 43 in 10k
break 20 in 5k
break 9 in beer mile
break 5.45 in mile

Ryan said...

I've never put them all together until now! I'm happy with my PRs, though the marathon mark is going down in a few weeks.

400: 52.9
800: 1:58.11
Mile: 4:34.55
3000: 9:11.1
5000: 15:43.15
10000: 33:26.0
Half Mar: 1:16:51
Marathon: 2:48:49

kangway said...

Ryan, what Marathon are you running?

Here are mine (i denotes indoors):

100m: 12.3
200m: 25.7i
300m: 40.0i
400m: 55.7i (54.7 relay split)
800m: 2:05.9i (2:03.7 relay split. I never really ran the open 800, although I think I ran 6 or 7 times between 2:03.7 and 2:05.3).

1600m: 4:48.3 (66-2:20-3:37-4:48, this is actually my least favorite PR).

3200: 10:56 through 2 miles in a 3 mile race (5:11-5:45), twice 10:59.xi, 10:59.x outdoors. I hated the 3200.

3 mile: 16:48 (2nd XC race ever, on the state meet course).

5k: 17:18

10k: 37:43 (the day after running a 2.9 mile race in 16:08 and two days later running a 8 second PR of 4:50 in a 65-2:21-3:40-4:50 paced 1600 PR)

Other Possibly Relevant PR's:
Pull Ups: 19
Vertical Jump: 23"

Hmmm, 95% of these PR's are from sophomore year of high school.


To be fast.

Markkimarkkonnen said...

kangway, is the 100m FAT?

kangway said...

Obviously not, which is why it's only accurate to a tenth of a decimal place. The accepted FAT conversion, I believe is to add 0.24 seconds. It's probably not too far off, though. Or maybe it is. We had the starter at the finish line, which is farther than the starter usually is, and the starter was also the timer. I wonder if that makes it anywhere near close.

Maybe Mark, we can work on raising a lot of money to buy a timing system so that we can make all of your future Beer-Mile Beer-2-Mile attempts FAT timed.

Ryan said...

Kangway's 100m time isn't FAT but it is PHAT.

I'm running the California International Marathon, first week of December. Should be good times.

kangway said...

Kangway is also fat right now.

Ian said...

Here they are, including separate PR's from high school (HS) and post-college (PC).

100: 12.6 in practice, highly unofficial (but it was at the end of a workout)

200: 26.4 , same deal as above.

400: 54.6 leadoff relay leg (Pomona '02)
400(HS): 58 relay leg Kezar Stadium.
400(PC): 58ish when I ran naked at IH track in '05

800: 2:00.71, Caltech '02. Also a 2:00 relay leadoff in Bakersfield (I kept asking around to see if someone's watch had a 1:59 on it, but nobody else other than Scott was timing me, and his watch read 2:00.01)
800 (HS): 2:08 Kezar Stadium

1500: 4:00.38 Fresno '02.
1600 (HS): 4:48. "Top 8" day meet
Mile (PC): 4:40, Caltech '05 I don't think I ever ran a mile in HS or college.

3000: 8:40.61 (Pomona '02)
3000 (PC): 9:22 (Pomona '06)
3200 (HS): 10:39.9 K-Bell Classic

5000: 15:07.6 (Claremont '02
5000(PC): 15:38 (Oxy Invite '06)
5000(HS): 17:48 (West Valley Relays)
5000 Road: 15:46 Tiger Run '06

8k XC: 25:44 (Willamette '01)

10000: 32:24 (Oxy Dist. Carny '07)
My only post-college PR. In '02 I once ran 32:48 for 2 laps of the Rose Bowl.

HM: 1:15:18 (Carlsbad '07; I had strep on race day)

Marathon: 2:57:57 (LA '97, age 18)

Beer Mile: 7:21 Caltech '05 (I think)