BMI = (weight in pounds * 703 )
height in inches²
height in inches²
First we have Kamalah "the Jamaican cactus" Chang:

Next is Ian "the Jewish cactus" Shapiro:

Not to be outdone is Breeden-favorite Sachith "brown cactus" "cankles" Dunatunga:

And from-Techer-loins-sprung Eric "Tiger cactus" Kleinsasser:

And from-Techer-loins-sprung Eric "Tiger cactus" Kleinsasser:
What do you guys think? I mean, Eric is damn skinny; but then again, Sachith is deceptively light. He also has hairier legs, which can be confusing. Maybe we should ask him to shave them?
Any other contestants I left out? Ekua was another featherlight.... who else?
you forgot Breeden.
there should be extra points for nipple slips, and chief should win.
My vote's between Chief and Kleinsasser. It's hard to tell exactly how skinny Chief is because his t-shirts and uniform are baggier than Kleinsasser's body-hugging attire.
Also, I don't know how she compares to herself from last year but Alicia Freese looked pretty thin at UC Irvine...
I second Mark's Breeden comment.
Good thread!
Is Kamalah really Jamaican? Can she introduce us to Usain Bolt?
EK wins easily in my book, those Oxy kids don't like to eat.
I'm not even CLOSE to these guys, although I appreciate the sentiment. Being generous, I'm 5'6" and 120 pounds (maybe 118 on empty) giving me a near-morbidly-obese BMI of 19.4.
Sachith, on the other hand, is 5'6" and arrived at preseason at 102, putting him at a merely pudgy 16.5, neck and neck with our estimated 5'2"/92 lbs/16.8 for Ekua.
The only way to settle this is to find out Kleinsasser's weight and height. Anyone willing to do some reconnaissance?
Also, shouldn't Ryan be on the list? Talk about stick-arms...
My BMI is about 19.7 and I have CANNONS for arms.
Ekua may be the winner, considering she's a girl and all.
arghhh... why wont this post correctly... okay:
definitely agree with the Brain, at least based on that picture, baby kleinsasser takes the cake.
but seriously people, low BMI is not desirable... low Body Fat Percentage is desirable. Or maybe its body fat to slow twitch muscle ratio. i've definitely met people whose BMIs are probably insanely low, but who also look like they are too weak to run 400m...
i just realized the title to this post juxtaposes the words "off" and "on" in a non-obvious way, and it humorous. or, it was humorous until i pointed it out.
also, bekele's BMI is 21. nick symmonds is 22
i also propose that the BMI exponent ought to be 2.2
I got the preliminary figures on Eric at practice this morning, according to Noah and Will Mosely: 5'11", 120lbs, which puts him in a dead heat at 16.7 with Chief. I think we'll need more rigorous data to be sure though.
When I was in high school I knew a guy that was 5'11 and 110 pounds. He had abs like crazy but mostly because had no fat on him. He looked like a squirrel sometimes, and tricked us all into eating acorns. They were bitter.
We should try to get some stats on longtime local Nolan "Master Cactus" Shaheed.
I'm not convinced that "cactus" is a good way to describe skinny people. I mean, look at this.
"I'm a lean mean machine. That's why I call myself the black cactus."
--Abdi Abdirahman
Jeez Louise, Shaheed played with Count Basie. Does anyone else understand how huge that is?!
Let's go see him play sometime!
Also, more on the topic, there's hella more skinny pictures of the Black Cactus... just Google his name. I mean, look at his legs!
Any more suggestions for skinny-runner nicknames? While I was in the shower I came up with "Fly-By-Wire", "Stick-Man", "Draft-Rider", and "Whispering Willow". Oh, and someone should have mentioned "Skeletor".
Dude Skeletor was NOT skinny - I think Mark has brought up this point before. He was ripped to hell and back in order to throw-down with He-Man. But I guess I'm dating myself.
I like whispering willow, but I've never understood why "willowy" meaning "like a willow tree" means slender (which it does). Willows are massive robust beautiful trees which preside over ponds in the Pac NW. They aren't slender. I think larch trees would be better, so how about "Lurching Larch". Yeah that's cool.
I really like cacti. All succulents really. My favorite in my little cactus garden is called "Old Man of the Andes".
Heh. I guess I have a different image in my mind of what Skeletor and "whispering willows" look like. Skeletor from the He-Man series was indeed quite muscular but when I think of the name "Skeletor" I picture a skeleton-warrior with a helmet and a sword. Maybe I should have watched more He-Man as a kid. As for the "whispering willow" thing, I think the idea I had was that a skinny person would be so light as to waver in the wind, just like the leaves and branches of willow trees (and hence invoking the "whispering" sound).
But what the hey. What about "Top Tube"? Okay, I need to get some sleep.
Oh, there was apparently a girl who used to run in SCIAC and had an eating disorder. One of my current teammates (who shall remain unnamed) would continuously refer to her as "Skeletor." That's probably where I got it from. Carry on.
how could we possibly forget mr. chris georgio?? he was like what? 6'3" ~130 lbs
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