Thursday, July 19, 2007

Post Your Sexiest Ab Routine

Well we needed a first topic. So here it is: what is your ab/core routine (if you have one), how many reps/sets do you do, and how many times a week?

I'll go first. Three times a week in the weight room.

I cycle through this three times:

12 x Leg Lifts (On a bench, with your butt hanging off the edge and feet down almost to the ground.)
24 x Decline Twist Crunches w/weight (12 to a side)
15 x Side Bends w/weight (Ian showed me this, you have your feet together and bend your torso. Gets those obliques.)
12 x Single Leg Lifts (This is really more of a hip exercise.)
12 x Single Leg Lifts, toes pointed out (This gets the groin more)
12 x Side Leg Lifts (Gets those abductors...)

Then I do these plank exercises.
1) Get into the plank and do a type of jumping jack. Your butt should stay at the same level but you sort of hop on your toes to split your legs and bring them back together. I do 20.
2) Stay in the plank position and bring one knee up to touch the elbow in front of it (make sure to keep your butt in the same place, it might want to rise up). 10 on each side, then I do 10 where the knees touch the opposite elbow.

So I cycle through that three times and it gets me pretty good.

What does everyone else do? I want to learn new exercises.


Katherine said...

Geez Kangway, you must work out for like five hours a day. I am so not hard core.

My ab routine has become much less structured than it was when we used to do ab-circle with Susan, but here's basically what I do:

I get on the exercise ball (that I found in the closet here) and I lay so that my legs are just kind of balancing me and I'm kinda more-extended than flat. Then, I do a max set of crunches up, and to the sides. (This started at 50 but now I can do 70 or so). It's really awesome for my upper abs, but I haven't found anything good to do on my lower abs.

Bad: I don't do my lower abs anymore, because I hate leg lifts because I tip over (center of mass too low) and it hurts my back a lot. I can get my lower abs on the ball a little bit if I concentrate though.

Good: this workout is super dense; it only takes a few minutes so I actually do it (4 times a week or more). I have to do like 400 crunches before I even feel anything. It's easy on my neck and back. You are doing work over more distance because you start from a slightly-curved-back rather than flat position.

kangway said...

Oh yeah stability balls. I have one in the garage somewhere.

I used to do this thing with those where you do crunches on the ground, but pinch the ball between your lower legs and hold it up off of the floor. It's supposed to help engage the lower abs. Also, there was another one where you balance the ball on top of your lower legs (calves parallel to floor), and you do the twist crunches. The ball there, again, is supposed to help engage the lower abs, but also sort of forces you to not jerk your way up since the ball will sort of fall over.

Having no job this summer really helps with training. Last week I did 14 hours, 13 miles of running. Between actual exercise time, the weight room, and stretching/rolling, I think it comes out to maybe 25 hours a week. That's like a part time job right there. It's pretty sweet. I love it. But you guys are definitely more hardcore for handling the workouts IN ADDITION to being in the lab/work for 8+ hours a day. Training is so much harder when you have all that stress.

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Ian said...

My favorite routine:

1. Hang from pullup bar and raise legs together straight out in front of you. Try to touch your toes to the bar.
2. once you can't do those anymore (usually after just 5-6), bend knees and curl them up to your chest.
Picture here.

3.) leg lifts on a bench, enough for them to get pretty difficult.

4.) vertical leg lifts from that thing in the corner of the weight room where you can rest on your elbows.

5.) side bends.

Wash, rinse, repeat...

kangway said...


I found the PERFECT ab exercise for you, for these reasons: 1) You like abs, 2) You like bruce lee. Thats' about it.

Unfortunately it requies you to put your weight on your shoulder blades, so make sure you're okay before you try them (unless you already know about them.)

Bruce Lee invented this exercise called "flags." Basically, you get on a bench, grab the bench with your arms, shift onto your shoulders and do leg lifts.

Like that. I think you could probably do a few (if your shoulder is okay).

If you have realplayer you can watch this weird guy do them:

Garrett said...

1) 50 sit ups to the front, 50 to the right, 50 to left, 50 to the front again

2) 3 x 2 minutes of "6-inches"

Did this everyday during HS Track.
Too bad my abs are flabby pieces of shit now...