I remember watching Dorian Ulrey run the Illinois High School Class A State Record. He ran 4:09 his senior year, running something like 2:11/1:58 for his 800m splits. I think as a freshman he ran 4:01 indoors, and last year was 2nd in the 1500m at Nationals behind Manzano. He just transferred to Arkansas, and I'd put money on him for NCAA's.
Kangway, are you talking to yourself or is someone else on your account? The fruit is spelled "durian," by the way, but there's a bunch of other stuff carrying his name:
Most of us are not injuredandrunning. Let us rejoice!
We think that Bolt and El Guerrouj are dirty and that Big Bekele is clean. We're not sure about Seb or Geb.
Kara Goucher wears the pants. Adam carries the baby sling.
If our coach had a lesser opinion of our athletic potential than ourselves, a slim plurality of us would want him or her to let us know.
When given the choice between being the world's best and dominating runner in one distance eventor ten billion dollars, we would pick the former...barely.
If we could be any Caltech runner besides ourselves, we would most likely be Ian. Garrett, Katherine, Mark, and Rosen come in second.
Four out of four voters agree: everybody should update his or her log more often. I mean, seriously.
If we could be a world-class runner in one distance event, we'd pick either the 800m, the 1500/Mile, or the Marathon. The 10000m, steeplechase, and ultra-marathon come in second.
The cross-country course at Bush's Pasture Park in Salem, Oregon is more enjoyable than those in Chino, La Mirada, and even Riverside. It's also more enjoyable than "Your Mom," but that's not a legitimate cross-country course. Markkimarkkonnen and Billy 'Reclaimed Water' Zdon are even money for being the craziest Caltech runners.
"Ribwich" is the most under-utilized nickname for a really skinny runner. "Pork Chop" and "Bones" are pretty good, too.
Alan Webb was more disappointing than Adam Goucher at the 2008 US Olympic Trials.
The 1500/Mile is the most fun distance event to race.
Out of the entire North Field Track Club, Markimarkkonnen is the most likely to fail a gender test. Katherine should run the 1500 - 5000 double at conferences.
Katherine should focus on the 5000m this track season, based on the Goldilocks Principle (it's juuuuust right.) Sara Hall, or Both Ryan and Sara At The Same Time
In the past four weeks: 77% of us have consumed alcohol, 77% have used Gatorade, 55% have used Endurox R4, 44% have shaved our legs, have smoked pot and 11% have used EPO. Tyson Gay is the best 100m runner in the world (right now).
Matt Tegenkamp is the runner most likely to break Bob Kennedy's American 5000m record.
This is a pipe. Also it is Ian's Bones (see right). I wonder if Ian's hollow bones means he can fly like a bird.
Highway 39 (or some variation) is a totally sweet ride and is the favorite of many.
Alan Webb will get First Place (GOLD, BABY!) at the 2007 Osaka World Athletics Championship!!! (If we are wrong we suck).
This Nerd-Jock Blog is Amazingly Awesome, the best idea ever, but it borders dangerously as a huge waste of time, which is why we're on it, voting.
The Last Stage of the Tour de France is a fine tradition honoring the great acomplishments of the previous weeks' racing.
"Kenny Moore! Sixteenth in the marathon in Mexico City."
"Fourteenth, actually."
"Oh, and Dorian Ulrey. Ran a 3:57 mile. Heh, when German Fernandez ran three-fifty-six-five. God, is there anything worse than being second best?"
Heh heh. I'm guessing most of you won't get this joke. J.R. would; we've both seen Without Limits too many times...
... its sad I know what you're talking about.
I remember watching Dorian Ulrey run the Illinois High School Class A State Record. He ran 4:09 his senior year, running something like 2:11/1:58 for his 800m splits. I think as a freshman he ran 4:01 indoors, and last year was 2nd in the 1500m at Nationals behind Manzano. He just transferred to Arkansas, and I'd put money on him for NCAA's.
kangway I'll take that.
$20 1-1 odds that Dorian Ulrey does not win NCAA's.
The man is named after a FRUIT.
Kangway, are you talking to yourself or is someone else on your account? The fruit is spelled "durian," by the way, but there's a bunch of other stuff carrying his name:
Mark has been using my computer for weeks. Is he ever going to get his own?
Ulrey just ran a 3:54 split of the DMR to beat Rupp by a ton. Still nothing?
I wouldn't take ANYBODY against the field in a track race. Um, possibly Bolt in the Beijing 200m.
I'd take your mom against the field.
Great, great. So the guy is named after a fruit AND his parents can't spell.
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